Saturday, December 17, 2016

Vietnam Uses Ultrasound To Establish Concentration Of Domestic Elephants

Domesticated elephants in Vietnam’s Central Highlands are receiving ultrasound scans by general experts to check their aptness for mating.

In a feverishness of a afternoon inside Ban Don Village in Dak Lak Province, a organisation of vets from Dak Lak Elephant Conservation Center (DECC) waited alongside Dutch elephant consultant Dr. Willem Schaftenaar for H’Tuk, a womanlike elephant who lives during a internal ecotourism resort.

H’Tuk had been scheduled for an ovarian ultrasound with a vets to establish either she was in good figure for carriage.

The ease and intelligent 36-year-old animal is among several trained elephants in Ban Don who share a common grief of a waste life though a mating deteriorate with their partners underneath a canopy of a woods.

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